First Christmas Tree
Hard to believe that only 11 years ago this was the first Christmas tree my husband and I bought and decorated. The year was 1998, and we had only been married for five months (though we'd been together for the previous four years). We were still living in El Paso, TX as the time. Dagon was in school and I was Teaching Freshman composition at the time. We had two new kitties, Faye and Aeysha and they were also impressed by the tree. I was looking through some photo albums and I thought I it would be fun to share a bit of history with you all. Dagon and I just this past week bought our Christmas tree and already I can smell the piney freshness from it. We didn't get it decorated this week, but we did get it up. After I get back from work we will be decking it all pretty like. Below is a picture of Aeysha looking trying to look like she wasn't up to anything. I remember that we had to re-hang a bunch of oranments up higher because the cats thought they were the greatest toys ever.